- Google Maps (http://maps.google.com)
- Difficulty in Finding the Spatial Proximity of Objects
- Effect of Different Distance Definitions on Nearest Neighbors
- An Example of a NN Query on R-tree Index
- Example of Safe Regions
- Threshold-Based Algorithm for Monitoring a 3-NN Query
- The Objects
are the Reverse Nearest Neighbors of
- Illustration of SAA
- Half-Plane Pruning
- The Monitoring Region of a Continuous RNN Query
- Illustration of
- Computation of a Constrained Nearest Neighbor Query
- Node
can be pruned
- Different Pruning Metrics for All-NN Queries
- Grid Index
- Minimal Set of Cells
- CircularTrip
- Next Intersected Cell is Either
- Minimum Angular Distance
- ArcTrip
- The Special Cell
is Always the Adjacent Cell of
- System Overview and Data Structure
- A Nearest Neighbor Query
- Handling Data Point Updates
- Handling Query Updates
- Handling Multiple Updates
- Updating Influence Region
- An Example of Updates Handling by CPM
- An Example of Updates Handling by CircularTrip-based Algorithm
- Effect of
- Effect of
- Effect of
- Data Movement
- Query Movement
- Time Efficiency
- Six Pie-Region Constrained NN Queries
- A Continuous Pie-Region
-CNN query
- A Varying Pie-Region Continuous
-CNN Query
- A Donut-Region
CNN Query
- Computation of a Donut-Region
-CNN Query
- A Varying Donut-Region Continuous
-CNN query
- Donut-Pie
CNN Query
- Computation of a Donut-Pie
-CNN Query
- Computation of a Varying Donut-Pie Region
-CNN Query
- Continuous
CNN Query Over Irregular Region
- Computation of a Farthest Nearest Neighbor Query
- Update Handling of a Farthest Neighbor Query
- A (
)NNs Query (
Muhammad Aamir Cheema