Continuous Monitoring

Continuous monitoring of a $ k$ farthest neighbors is also very similar to that of a $ k$ nearest neighbors query. Let $ q.kFN$ be the set of $ k$ farthest neighbors of $ q$ . In monitoring of $ k$ farthest neighbors, an update $ <,p_{pre},p_{cur}>$ is considered outgoing update if $ dist(p_{pre},q)\geq q.dist_k$ and $ dist(p_{cur},q)<q.dist_k$ . Similarly, an update is considered incoming if $ dist(p_{pre},q)<q.dist_k$ and $ dist(p_{cur},q)> q.dist_k$ . During update handling, the algorithm deletes an object $ p$ from $ q.kFN$ if it issues an outgoing update and inserts it in $ q.kFN$ if it issues an incoming update. After handling all the updates, if $ q.kFN$ contains more than or equal to $ k$ objects, the algorithm keeps $ k$ farthest objects and deletes all other. On the other hand, if $ q.kFN$ contains less than $ k$ objects, the algorithm updates the result by calling CircularTrip with radius $ q.dist_k$ and iteratively decreasing it by $ \delta$ unless $ k$ farthest neighbors have been found.

Figure: Update Handling of a Farthest Neighbor Query

[$ p_3$ issues an update at $ p'_3$ ]\includegraphics[width=5.0in]{applications/fig/farthest-3.eps} [$ p_2$ is new farthest neighbor]\includegraphics[width=5.0in]{applications/fig/farthest-4.eps}


Muhammad Aamir Cheema 2007-10-11