
First we define $ minadist(q,c,\langle \theta_1,\theta_2\rangle)$ that is minimum angular distance of a cell $ c$ from $ q$ and then we will give formal definition of ArcTrip.

Minimum angular distance ( $ minadist(q,c,\langle \theta_1,\theta_2\rangle)$ ): The minimum angular distance between a cell $ c$ and the query point $ q$ is Euclidean distance from $ q$ to the nearest boundary of the portion of $ c$ that lies between angle range $ \langle \theta_1,\theta_2
\rangle$ . Fig. [*] clarifies the definition where $ minadist$ values of $ c_1$ and $ c_2$ are same as their $ mindist$ whereas $ minadist$ of $ c_3$ is the minimum distance of the shaded area of $ c_3$ from $ q$ . Any cell that completely lies outside the angle range has $ minadist=\infty$ . i.e; $ minadist(q,c_4,\langle \theta_1,\theta_2\rangle)=\infty$ .

Now we define ArcTrip( $ q,r,\langle \theta_1,\theta_2\rangle)$ : given a radius $ r$ and an angle range $ \langle \theta_1,\theta_2
\rangle$ , ArcTrip returns every cell $ c$ that intersects the circle of radius $ r$ with center at $ q$ and has $ minadist(q,c,\langle \theta_1,\theta_2\rangle)$ smaller than $ r$ . Consider the example of Fig. [*], ArcTrip($ q$ , $ r,\theta_1,\theta_2$ ) returns all the shaded cells.

Figure: ArcTrip

ArcTrip algorithm is similar to CircularTrip. The algorithm starts with the cell $ c_{start}$ that intersects the circle and lies at angle $ \theta_2$ . The cell $ c_{start}$ is shown in Fig. [*]. Mathematically, $ c_{start}=c[i,j]$ where $ i=
\lfloor (q.x + r.Cos\theta_2) / \delta \rfloor$ and $ j= \lfloor q.y + r.Sin\theta_2 / \delta \rfloor$ ); The direction $ D_{cur}$ is selected according to the quadrant in which $ c_{start}$ lies. Fig.  [*], shows $ D_{cur}$ for different quadrants with jumbo arrows. In the example of Fig. [*], $ D_{cur}$ is set as down. The algorithm continues exactly same as CircularTrip and terminates as soon as the next cell that intersects the circle lies outside the range $ \langle \theta_1,\theta_2
\rangle$ .

Figure: The Special Cell $ c_{spe}$ is Always the Adjacent Cell of $ c$ in $ D_{opp}$

Note from Fig. [*], if we start from $ c_{start}$ as mentioned above, we may miss a cell $ c_{spe}$ that should have been returned by ArcTrip. We prove next that this special cell $ c_{spe}$ is always adjacent to $ c_{start}$ in direction opposite to $ D_{cur}$ . To address this issue, we always first check whether the cell $ c_{spe}$ should be inserted in $ C$ or not depending on whether it lies in angle range $ \langle \theta_1,\theta_2
\rangle$ or not. If it lies in the angle range we include it in result otherwise we ignore it (i.e; line 4 - 5 of Algorithm [*]).


Let $ c_{start}$ be the starting cell of ArcTrip as defined earlier and $ D_{opp}$ be the opposite direction of $ D_{cur}$ . The only cell ArcTrip can miss is $ c_{spe}$ that is always the adjacent cell to $ c_{start}$ in direction $ D_{opp}$ .


It can be immediately verified that the $ c_{spe}$ is one of the four cells adjacent to $ c_{start}$ (in Fig. [*] $ c_{start}$ is shown as $ c$ ). The cells in direction $ D_{cur}$ and $ D_{next}$ will be checked during execution of ArcTrip and will be inserted if intersect the circle. So $ c_{spe}$ can only be the cell either in direction $ D_{opp}$ or the remaining direction $ D_{rem}$ .

Let $ c_{opp}$ and $ c_{rem}$ be the adjacent cells to $ c_{start}$ in direction $ D_{opp}$ and $ D_{rem}$ , respectively. It can be immediately verified that $ minadist(q,c_{rem},\langle \theta_1,\theta_2\rangle)$ is always greater than $ r$ (otherwise it would have been the starting cell $ c_{start}$ ), so ArcTrip does not need to check it. We are left only with $ c_{opp}$ and hence it is $ c_{spe}$ .

Algorithm [*] presents the implementation of ArcTrip. Note that CircularTrip can be considered a special case of ArcTrip where angle range is the whole space. More specifically we can say that CircularTrip($ q,r$ ) is exactly same as ArcTrip( $ q,r,\langle -180^\circ,180^\circ \rangle$ ).

% latex2html id marker 3843
\caption{\bf ArcTrip( $G$, ...
...e\theta_1,\theta_2\rangle) > r$}

Muhammad Aamir Cheema 2007-10-11