Continuous Pie-Region $ k$ CNN queries

As defined earlier, a continuous pie-region $ k$ CNN query $ q$ with the angle bounds $ \langle \theta_1,\theta_2
\rangle$ is to find $ k$ nearest neighbors among a set of points $ P'\subseteq P$ such that all points in $ P'$ lie within the angle range $ \langle \theta_1,\theta_2
\rangle$ . Such $ k$ CNN queries have many applications. Consider, for example, a user might be interested in only the points that are in north-east. In this case a query with angle range $ \langle 90^\circ,180^\circ \rangle$ will be issued.

Recall that in order to continuously monitor reverse nearest neighbors, six continuous CNN queries are issued [XZ06] as discussed in Section [*]. Each continuous CNN query monitors the nearest neighbors in its region that covers an angle range of $ 60^\circ$ degrees as shown in Fig. [*]. The algorithm needs to continuously monitor nearest neighbors in the six constrained regions from $ S_0$ to $ S_5$ . Continuous CNN query that monitors constrained region $ S_1$ can be denoted as $ q_{\langle 60^\circ,120^\circ \rangle}$ because it monitors the nearest neighbors in the region that is bounded by the angle range $ \langle 60^\circ$ , $ 120^\circ\rangle$ .

Figure: Six Pie-Region Constrained NN Queries

Muhammad Aamir Cheema 2007-10-11