Complete Update Handling Module

In section [*] we described how to update the results on receiving data point updates and we discussed handling the updates of queries in section [*]. Now we describe how to deal with data point and query point updates simultaneously at each time stamp. Our update handling module consists of two phases.

$ \bullet$ receive updates: First we receive the query point updates and then we handle data point updates. For each query update, if $ dist(q_{pre}, q_{cur}) \geq 2q_{pre}.dist_k$ , we delete $ q$ and insert a new query in system. Otherwise, we mark the query as moving and calculate $ dist(p, q_{cur})$ for every $ k$ NN $ p$ of $ q_{pre}$ and temporarily set $ q_{cur}.dist_k$ as ( $ q_{pre}.dist_k+dist(q_{pre},q_{cur}$ ).

After handling query updates, we receive point updates. For each query $ q$ affected by a point update, we insert (delete) $ p$ in (from) $ q.kNN$ if it is an incoming (outgoing) update. Only the order of $ q.kNN$ is changed in case of internal update.

$ \bullet$ update results: We update the results of all affected queries in this phase. The new queries are updated by calling initial computation module described in Algorithm [*]. The affected queries that were not moved are handled as described in section [*]. The queries marked as moving are updated by first setting the $ q_{cur}.dist_k$ equal to the distance of $ k^{th}$ data point in $ q.kNN$ (set as $ \infty$ if $ \mid q.kNN\mid < k$ ). The update algorithm is similar to initial kNN algorithm and the radius of first round $ r_0$ is $ max\{max(c^q,q),(q_{pre}.dist_k - dist(q_{pre},q_{cur})\}$ . During computation, the data points that are already in $ q.kNN$ are ignored. Clearly, the cells with $ maxdist(c, q_{pre})
\leq q_{pre}.dist_k$ are also skipped as all the data points in these cells belong to $ q.kNN$ . The algorithm terminates when the next cell $ c$ to be accessed has $ mindist(c,q)\geq q_{cur}.dist_k$ .

Figure: Handling Multiple Updates
[$ q$ , $ p_2$ and $ p_3$ issue location updates]\includegraphics[width=3.0in]{kNN/fig/multipleUpdates-1.eps} [$ p_1$ is found as new NN]\includegraphics[width=3.0in]{kNN/fig/multipleUpdates-2.eps}

Algorithm [*] summarizes the complete update handling module.

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\caption{\bf Handling Multi...
...e 1 (Case 2)
in Section \ref{sec:updat-query};

Muhammad Aamir Cheema 2007-10-11