Spatial Access Methods


The main problem in design of spatial access methods is that there is no total ordering among the spatial data objects that preserves spatial proximity. Consider, for example, a user wants to find $ 5$ restaurants closest to her location. One try to answer this query is to build a one-dimensional index that contains the distances of all restaurants from user's location sorted in ascending order. To answer her query, we can return first $ 5$ entries from the sorted index. However, this index cannot support a query issued by some other user at a different location. In order to answer the query of this new user, we will have to sort all the restaurants again in ascending order of their distances from this user. The difficulty lies in the fact that there is no mapping from multidimensional space into one-dimensional space so that the objects that are close in multidimensional space are also close in the one-dimensional sorted index [GG98].

Another way to answer the queries of above type is to sort each restaurant in two lists. First list ($ List_x$ ) contains the restaurants sorted in ascending order on their x-coordinates. The second list ($ List_y$ ) may contain them sorted according to their y-coordinates. In order to find $ 5$ closest restaurants to a point $ p$ located at ($ p_x,p_y$ ), we may first find few candidates from $ List_x$ that are closest to $ p_x$ and then we could calculate their actual distance from $ p$ by looking their value in $ List_y$ . However, this approach can be very in-efficient because a restaurant that is closest to $ p$ in x-dimension may be the farthest restaurant in y-dimension. Consider the example of Fig. [*] where the object closest to $ p_1$ is to be found. The objects $ p_3$ and $ p_4$ are the closest objects to $ p_1$ in x and y dimensions, respectively. However, the nearest object in the two-dimensional space is $ p_2$ which is not the closest object in any single dimension.

Figure: Difficulty in Finding the Spatial Proximity of Objects

For the reason mentioned above, traditional one-dimensional access methods like B-tree [BM72] and extendible hashing [FNPS79] are not suitable for spatial databases. An excellent survey on multidimensional access methods by Gaede et al. can be found in [GG98]. Gaede et al. describe the requirements that multidimensional access methods should meet, based on the properties of spatial data and their applications.

There have been many spatial access methods proposed in last two decades. Some of the popular spatial indexes are R-tree [Gut84] and its variants(e.g. R*-tree [BKSS90] and $ R^+$ -tree [SSH86]), $ kd$ -tree [Ben75] and the grid file [NHS84].

Muhammad Aamir Cheema 2007-10-11