CircularTrip on 2D Grid

To collect a round of cells, CircularTrip starts from the cell $ c_{start}$ that is intersected by the given circle and lies left to $ c^q$ . CircularTrip starts checking the cells along the circle in direction $ D_{cur}$ which is initially set as up. In order to make a clock-wise trip, the $ D_{cur}$ needs to be changed from up to right to down to left to up. The direction $ D_{next}$ always holds the next direction of $ D_{cur}$ .

Figure: CircularTrip

Without loss of generality, consider cell $ c$ intersected by the circle which locates in the upper-left quadrant as shown in Fig. [*]. The key fact is that the next cell intersected by the circle (i.e., the cell in which the arc is connected to one in $ c$ ) is the adjacent cell either above $ c$ (i.e., the cell $ c_c$ that is next cell in direction $ D_{cur}$ ) or right to $ c$ (i.e., the $ c_N$ that is next cell in direction $ D_{next}$ ). This is because the outgoing circle crosses either the upper boundary or the right boundary of $ c$ . These two adjacent cells, $ c_c$ and $ c_N$ , are called candidate adjacent cells of $ c$ . To collect the next cell intersected by the circle, CircularTrip only needs to examine one of the candidate adjacent cells (i.e; check its $ mindist(c,q)$ with the given radius $ r$ ).

Algorithm [*] presents the implementation of CircularTrip algorithm. Though any cell can be selected as $ c_{start}$ but in our implementation the left most cell of the round (as shown in Fig. [*]) is selected. CircularTrip examines the cells clockwise along the given circle until $ c_{start}$ is encountered again. When the currently being examined cell $ c$ is at the maximum level in $ D_{cur}$ , the directions to find its candidate adjacent cells are updated accordingly (i.e., line 10 - 12). The cells when the directions $ D_{cur}$ and $ D_{next}$ are changed are shown dark shaded in Fig. [*]. Moreover, for some of the cells, $ D_{cur}$ and the $ D_{next}$ are shown with solid and hollow arrows, respectively.

% latex2html id marker 3404
\caption{\bf CircularTrip( ...
... \ENDIF
\UNTIL{$c = c_{start}$}

Lemma 1

The total cost of CircularTrip to collect a round $ C$ of cells is to compute $ mindist(c,q)$ of $ \vert C\vert$ cells, where $ \vert C\vert$ is the number of cells in round $ C$ .


Let $ c$ be the current cell being examined and $ c_c$ and $ c_N$ be the cells next to $ c$ in direction $ D_{cur}$ and $ D_{next}$ , respectively. In order to prove Lemma [*], it is sufficient to prove that algorithm needs to compute $ mindist$ of only one of $ c_c$ or $ c_N$ from $ q$ in order to confirm the next intersected cell.

Figure: Next Intersected Cell is Either $ c_c$ or $ c_N$

As can be seen from Fig. [*], selection of $ D_{cur}$ and $ D_{next}$ is made so that following two conditions hold.

equation 1: $ mindist(c_N,q)<mindist(c,q)<mindist(c_c,q)$
equation 2: $ maxdist(c_N,q)<maxdist(c,q)<maxdist(c_c,q) $
As cell $ c$ intersects the circle, it satisfies that

equation 3: $ mindist(c,q)< r\leq maxdist(c,q)$
From equations 1,2 and 3, it can be concluded that
equation 4: $ mindist(c_N,q)<r<maxdist(c_c,q)$

CircularTrip computes $ mindist(c_c,q)$ , and if $ mindist(c_c,q)<r$ , then $ c_c$ intersects the circle as can be inferred in conjunction with equation 4 that $ mindist(c_c,q)<r<
maxdist(c_c,q)$ .

If $ mindist(c_c,q)\geq r$ , then it infers that $ maxdist(c_N,q)\geq r$ because $ mindist(c_c,q)=maxdist(c_N,q)$ . So CircularTrip can confirm $ c_N$ as next intersected cell without computing its distance from $ q$ because for cell $ c_N$ in conjunction with equation 4, it is confirmed that $ mindist(c_N,q)<r\leq
maxdist(c_N,q)$ .

Muhammad Aamir Cheema 2007-10-11