Extension to Higher Dimensions

CircularTrip can be immediately extended to a higher dimensional space. Take $ 3$ D space for example. The only difference is now CircularTrip (Algorithm [*]) returns the cells intersected by the sphere of radius $ r$ centered at $ q$ . Given a query $ q(x, y, z)$ , CircularTrip is invoked on the plane $ z = \lfloor p.z / \delta \rfloor$ and its results is $ C$ . Then, for each pair of cells in $ C$ intersected by the planes parallel to the plane $ y = \lfloor p.y / \delta \rfloor$ , call CircularTrip with one of them as $ c_{start}$ and half of their distance as radius to collect all the satisfied cells. It is immediately verified that properties of CircularTrip in 2D are all retained.

Figure: Minimum Angular Distance

Muhammad Aamir Cheema 2007-10-11