
The continuous monitoring of donut-region $ k$ CNN queries is exactly same as the continuous monitoring of $ k$ NN queries with the only difference that the distance of any object $ p$ that lies outside the range is considered infinity and the starting radius of CircularTrip is set as $ d_L$ . Consider the example of Fig. [*], where a 1-CNN query $ q$ is issued with distance bounded by $ d_L$ and $ d_U$ . The algorithm starts by calling the CircularTrip with radius set as $ d_L$ and then increases it by $ \delta$ everytime unless $ k$ NNs are found. Algorithm finds $ p_2$ which is reported as answer. Algorithm visits only the cells that are shown shaded in Fig. [*]. Note that, this is the minimal set of cells that is required to be visited in order to guarantee the correctness.

Figure: Computation of a Donut-Region $ 1$ -CNN Query

The continuous monitoring of $ k$ CNN is similar to the monitoring of simple $ k$ NN queries. Note that simple $ k$ NN queries can be considered a special case of donut-region $ k$ CNN queries with $ d_L=0$ and $ d_U=\infty$ .

Muhammad Aamir Cheema 2007-10-11