Constrained Nearest Neighbor Queries

A constrained nearest neighbor query (CNN) [FSAA01] is a nearest neighbor query that is constrained to a specific region. This type of queries is of interest to the users who wish to find the nearest neighbor in some constrained region and not in the whole space. We had discussed the previous work on constrained nearest neighbor queries in Section [*]. In [FSAA01], authors propose different techniques to answer CNN queries but to the best of our knowledge there is no efficient algorithm available for continuously monitoring the CNN queries. Continuous $ k$ CNN query can be defined as to monitor the $ k$ nearest neighbors in a constrained region. The constrained region is bounded by certain spatial conditions. Below, we categorise continuous $ k$ CNN queries based on the constraints that bound the region.

In this section we present techniques for continuous monitoring of these $ k$ CNN queries. We also present the techniques where the spatial conditions that constrain the region can be changed by the user at any time and our approach visits minimum number of cells for all the updates. More specifically, we present our technique to answer continuous pie-region $ k$ CNN queries in section [*], donut-region $ k$ CNN queries in section [*], donut-pie $ k$ CNN queries in section [*] and continuous monitoring of $ k$ CNN queries over irregular shaped region is described in section [*]. In section [*] we give the concluding remarks showing the superiority of our approach.

Muhammad Aamir Cheema 2007-10-11