Best-First Search (BFS)

BFS uses a priority queue to store the entries to be explored during the search. The entries in priority queue are sorted by their $ mindist$ from $ q$ . For each popped entry $ e$ , all its child are pushed into the queue if $ e$ is a node. If $ e$ is a leaf, all the objects it contains are considered and the candidate set $ q.kNN$ and $ q.dist_k$ is updated, accordingly. The algorithm stops as soon as the next popped entry has $ mindist$ greater than $ q.dist_k$

Consider the same example of Fig. [*]. BFS inserts nodes $ 1$ and $ 2$ in queue. The node $ 1$ is popped first and its child entries $ A$ and $ B$ are inserted in the priority queue $ PQ$ which becomes $ PQ=$ {$ 2$ ,$ B$ ,$ A$ }. Since $ 2$ has the smallest $ mindist$ , it is popped next and its child entries $ C$ and $ D$ are inserted in the queue ($ PQ=$ {$ C$ ,$ B$ ,$ A$ ,$ D$ }). The next entry is $ C$ , the object $ e$ is inserted in candidate set $ q.kNN$ and the $ q.dist_k$ is updated to $ mindist(e,q)$ . Algorithm stops because the next entry in queue $ B$ has $ mindist$ greater than $ mindist(e,q)$ . Table [*] shows the nodes in the order they were processed by DFS algorithm.

Table: Best-First Search
Priority Queue 
candidate set ($ q.kNN$ ) 
 $ q.dist_k$  
$ 1,2$  
$ \phi$  
 $ \infty$  
$ 2,B,A$  
$ \phi$  
 $ \infty$  
$ C,B,A,D$  
$ \phi$  
 $ \infty$  
$ B,A,D$  
$ e$  
  $ mindist(e,q)$  

Muhammad Aamir Cheema 2007-10-11